
Anisotropic View-Dependent Appearance for 3D Gaussian Splatting

Arxiv 2024

Ziyi Yang1,3     Xinyu Gao1     Yang-Tian Sun2     Yi-Hua Huang2     Xiaoyang Lyu2    
Wen Zhou3     Shaohui Jiao3     Xiaojuan Qi2‡     Xiaogang Jin1‡
1Zhejiang University     2The University of Hong Kong     3ByteDance Inc.    

Results on the NeRF and NSVF Synthetic Dataset

Visual Comparisons

3D-GS [Kerbl 2023]
Scaffold-GS [Lu 2023]
GS-Shader [Jiang 2023]

Results on the Mip-360 Dataset

Visual Comparisons

3D-GS [Kerbl 2023]
Scaffold-GS [Lu 2023]

Results on our Anisotropic Synthetic Dataset

Visual Comparisons

3D-GS [Kerbl 2023]
Scaffold-GS [Lu 2023]
3D-GS [Kerbl 2023]

Visual Comparisons on Nex Dataset

3D-GS Scaffold-GS Ours GT

Pipeline of Spec-Gaussian

HyperNeRF architecture.


The recent advancements in 3D Gaussian splatting (3D-GS) have not only facilitated real-time rendering through modern GPU rasterization pipelines but have also attained state-of-the-art rendering quality. Nevertheless, despite its exceptional rendering quality and performance on standard datasets, 3D-GS frequently encounters difficulties in accurately modeling specular and anisotropic components. This issue stems from the limited ability of spherical harmonics (SH) to represent high-frequency information. To overcome this challenge, we introduce Spec-Gaussian, an approach that utilizes an anisotropic spherical Gaussian (ASG) appearance field instead of SH for modeling the view-dependent appearance of each 3D Gaussian. Additionally, we have developed a coarse-to-fine training strategy to improve learning efficiency and eliminate floaters caused by overfitting in real-world scenes. Our experimental results demonstrate that our method surpasses existing approaches in terms of rendering quality. Thanks to ASG, we have significantly improved the ability of 3D-GS to model scenes with specular and anisotropic components without increasing the number of 3D Gaussians. This improvement extends the applicability of 3D GS to handle intricate scenarios with specular and anisotropic surfaces.


This work was mainly supported by ByteDance MMLab. We also express our gratitude for the help from Chao Wan of Cornell University during the rebuttal.


  title={Spec-gaussian: Anisotropic view-dependent appearance for 3d gaussian splatting},
  author={Yang, Ziyi and Gao, Xinyu and Sun, Yangtian and Huang, Yihua and Lyu, Xiaoyang and Zhou, Wen and Jiao, Shaohui and Qi, Xiaojuan and Jin, Xiaogang},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.15870},
